19 October 2008

Entry 4 - Bloggin about wikis

A wiki is a website that allows multiple users to create, add, or modify it's contents. Wikis are an excellent way of creating a collaborative knowledge base for a class or group. Students assist each other gain a better understanding of the material and become more involved in their educational process.

Wikis lend themselves to some awesome group projects. Being a blend of both asynchronous and synchronous collaboration, as wikis allow students to work on a project at the same time or on their own from anywhere in the world.

Jessica Merrit from Smartteaching.org provides some excellent ideas for using wikis in the classroom (link). My biggest hesitation is the lack of control though a course management system such as Moodle would alleviate my issues with accessibility.

My students: Beware - watch for a wiki assignment headed your way!

1 comment:

Jody Ranous said...

Marvin -

I have some experience with moodle and it is a pretty great tool, and I will say pretty user friendly if the people inputting the information do so in a orderly fashion.
